Your Control Over Information

Strategic Use of Cookies for Site Enhancement: Our website employs cookies to gather insights into user preferences and site traffic patterns, aiming to deliver a more tailored and efficient user experience. Cookies are instrumental for staying logged into our site and for personalizing settings. Disabling cookies might impact the functionality of our site. We also use cookies to gather non-personally identifiable information for analytics and to enhance site communications and marketing strategies.

Cookie Technology: Usage and Reasons

Essential cookies are required to support the functioning of the website. Generally, these cookies do not collect personal information. All other cookies are non-essential. These may collect your personal information. Non-essential cookies can be disabled within web browser settings prior to accessing the website. This may alter some functionality otherwise available on the website.

Information regarding website usage is recorded by the Company for statistical purposes using analytics services. The information logged includes:

  • IP address
  • date and time of accessing the website
  • web pages accessed
  • type of browser and operating system.

By accessing the website, you are consenting to the uses of the personal information described above. This consent can be withdrawn by updating your cookie preferences via the link in the website.

Limitations in the Absence of Cookies

How to Manage or Disable Cookies: To control your cookie preferences, you can use the tools we provide on our site. Disabling cookies might affect the functionality of the website. To disable cookies, change your browser settings to reject them. We may prompt you to set your cookie preferences separately on our site.

Other Policies

Contact Methods

For further information or questions about our cookie policies or this Cookies Policy, please feel free to email us.